We do not want to suppress your ability to complain about something if you think it is necessary to do so but we are now ensuring that these are not brought to our attention in the first instance via social media since this is inappropriate and damages the reputation of the D.A. The Committee accepts that we sometimes get things wrong, as do all people.
Any complaints may be made directly to the Committee. We will consider anything that is not trivial as part of the normal business of the Committee. If we can resolve things by internal communications before the next Committee Meeting and we have time to do so then we will try to do that but the Committee are volunteers and busy like you are and we may need to wait until we are all together or refer the matter to Region or the Club to progress any issue you may have.
If you feel that you do not trust the Committee then you can go to Region directly with your complaint. We may pass any received complaint onto Region in any event.
- Please bring any complaints in the first instance to the attention of the Committee by using our website’s contact form or by letter if you do not have an online capability. You must identify yourself. Do not complain via social media as this is against the D.A. rules that you have signed up to.
- Complaints that are made anonymously or verbally will not be considered.
- Once we have received your complaint, we will acknowledge it either via an automated response from the website or in person. If a person acknowledges it, they are doing just that and they do not become the person to continue discussing it with. It will be handled by the whole serving Committee.
- We will respond to any complaints as soon as we are happy that we are in a position to do so. We may need to consult internally and externally so we cannot agree to any timescales you may have in mind on the subject. We will keep you updated when we have an update for you.